This page describes the layer functionality that you can find in many Generators.
If you go to the edit layers section, it will spawn a photoshop like editor that allows you to the height map. There are several types of (sub)layers:
GroupLayer: Group Layers allow you to combine a set of layers together.
NoiseLayer: A layer that generates a noise field. The noise layer consists of several properties:
Type: the noise type, where you can choose between perlin, simplex, and cellular:
Perlin: Smooth, continuous noise with realistic-looking textures due to its smooth transitions between values
Simplex: Same as Perlin but computationally cheaper.
Cellular: Generates a pattern of cells in space, often used for irregular and diverse patterns. A good example of cellular is when you want to generate dunes.
Offset: This parameter allows you to shift the entire noise pattern in the x and y dimensions, influencing how the pattern aligns with the coordinates of the space it occupies.
Octaves: individual layers or iterations of noise that contribute to the overall pattern.
Persistence: controls how quickly the influence of each octave diminishes, affecting the prominence of details.
Lacunarity: determines the rate at which the frequency of octaves changes, influencing the diversity and complexity of the overall texture.
Besides the properties, the NoiseLayer also has several filters:
Steepness filter: creates a data set for the steepness of the terrain. By taking the steepness filter over a terrain, you would get a darker value the steeper it gets. The filter takes its samples from its neighbouring pixels and calculates the angle from every pixel. This is useful for how when you will spawn in the grass, for instance, that it will follow the lines of the terrain or for wherever you want to use it for.
Invert filter
Curves filter
Levels filter
A layer that generates a noise field
UniformLayer: A solid value. Useful as a base to mix with other layers and to create constant features.