In this page we explain the PromptableTemplate, the generator stack that allows users to use a text interface for the world creation.
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In this page we explain the PromptableTemplate, the generator stack that allows users to use a text interface for the world creation.
Last updated
While the Generator Stack Presets look very pretty, the real fun is making your own custom worlds of course! The easiest way to get started with your custom worlds is with the PromptableTemplate, as it is already preconfigured to listen to your text prompts. Besides that, the generator settings are set in a default way that works well with different types of terrains.
With the PromptableTemplate you can load assets through the text prompting interface. By typing a list of assets that you would like to see, Shapeshifter will create generators (and terrains) that will resemble your input.
As of now, prompting works only for loading the right assets! V1.0.0-alpha.5 will contain much more sophisticated prompting, like creating the generator settings as well. Please stay tuned!
First, make sure your asset library has the type of assets that you are looking for. You can also wait for the terrain to generate, but if you prompt palm trees without having them in your library, you won't see any. Luckily, the BoosterPack will consists of a good variety of assets to start out with.
You can also use your own assets of course. In that case, make sure the assets have the right metadata by using our Asset Tagging.
Now, let's get generate your first custom world! You can follow this example to see how it works:
Now that your world is generated, you can start iterating your world by inspecting the generators. This will give you insights in which assets were loaded, and allow you to change the scene a bit. The PromptableTemplate have a few generators loaded, and several of them have an asset loader in place. Let's take a look of a few of them:
The Flowers generator is an ObjectPlacementGenerator responsible for finding flowers. As you can see, the generator has found several cacti to place! The same goes for the Scattered Objects Generator, both mushrooms and rocks were found.