🌍Hello Virtual World!

This page contains a guide to install the content packages, and to create your first AI generated virtual world.

Now that you have installed the SDK, it is time to start generating.

Step 1: Install the Content Package(s)

To get started quickly, we provide a set of assets that you can use to test the functionality. Just drag the MoonlanderContent.unity package in the window, and it will install. If you want to create visually stunning worlds, install the BoosterPack as well.

Step 2: Assign a Library of Assets

Shapeshifter needs a Library of Assets to generate worlds. Go to the Setup foldout and select one of the Libraries.

Step 3: Choose your first generator

Now setup the generators for Shapeshifter to use. This can be done via the Generators window, which can be opened by clicking the "Edit Generators" button on the Shapeshifter overlay.

You can add generators through the "+" button at the top left of the Generators window. Pressed it, and then select "Generator Stack > MoonlanderContentSampleGeneratorStack from the dropdown menu.”

Now press Generate in the Shapeshifter menu, and you will generate your first world!

Each Library consists of a number of assets in the Library Manager. In order to create the world that you want, make sure you have assets that are related to that world. For example, to make a Desert terrain you need cacti, rocks, and the right textures.

Congratulations! You have now created your first AI generated Virtual World. Now let's go through the Generator Stack, to start building some visually appealing terrains!

Last updated